Network Location Results page (10035)
Sites marked with an asterisk (*) are public sites that perform ink and roll fingerprints on print cards.
For accurate results, please enter the City/State OR ZIP Code. DO NOT enter State name only.
hours of operation
2196 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 0.7 mi
0.7 mi
M TU W TH F 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM SA 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM Appointment required
763 East 149th Street
Bronx, NY 1.7 mi
1.7 mi
M TU W TH F 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM Appointment required
1648 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 2.3 mi
2.3 mi
M TU W TH F 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM Appointment required
1490 Crotona Park East
Bronx, NY 3.3 mi
3.3 mi
M TU W TH F 10:00 AM - 04:50 PM SA 09:00 AM - 03:50 PM Appointment required
68-16 Roosevelt Avenue
Woodside, NY 3.7 mi
3.7 mi
M TU W TH F SA 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Appointment required
392 East Tremont
Bronx, NY 4 mi
4 mi
M TU W TH F 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Appointment required
719 Second Avenue
New York, NY 4 mi
4 mi
M TU W TH F 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM SA 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Appointment required
252 West 38th Street
New York, NY 4.3 mi
4.3 mi
M TU F 10:30 AM - 06:50 PM W TH 10:30 AM - 05:50 PM Appointment required
105 East 34th Street
New York, NY 4.3 mi
4.3 mi
M TU W TH F 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM Appointment required
115 East 31st Street
New York, NY 4.4 mi
4.4 mi
M TU W TH F 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Appointment required